外国人モデル事務所 ACQUA MODELS(アクアモデル)|株式会社アクアグループ

アクアモデル(ACQUA MODELS)は東京都港区六本木に本社を置くモデル事務所・芸能プロダクションです。外国人モデル、ハーフモデル、タレント、エキストラ、ナレーターのテレビ、テレビCM、広告、カタログ、イベント、雑誌、映画、PV等への出演をプロデュースしています。



ACQUA MODELS established in 2011 is a full service model agency that can provide you with the right type of model whatever your project or needs may be. Our models, from all over the world, work for all mediums of the fashion industry such as magazine, websites, TV, fashion events, posters and other still and video mediums. We also provide talent and actors for movies, TV commercials, TV dramas, corporate promotion videos, music videos among others We also provide extras (background actors) for movies, TV commercials etc. Currently we have over 2000 models enrolled to fill whatever type of model or actor requirement you have.

Please contact us by mail or phone and let us know the type of model you are looking for. If you have any questions about budgeting feel free to ask us any time.

Email: info@acquamodels.com

Phone 03-5422-6931 International (81) 3-5422-6931